Buying Details: we are looking to buy 85000 dozens of T-shirt for peaceful demonstration campaign,2017/2018 we invite interested supplier willing to handle the supply to contact us directly for bidding directive
we expect serious supplier that can met the tender procedure to contact us directly
thanks as we looking forward to hear from interested supplier.
Mrs naumi Kamji
Buying Details: "We are a trader and importers of T shirts with branches and offices in some of the african state for goodsales,
We deal on the below descrition of T shirts
Men T shirts
Sizes Small, Medium, Large, Extra-large
Wieght GSM 140 to 200 GSM
100% Cotton T shirts
Polyester T shirts
Colours Blue Sky Blue, White, Black and ox Blood T shirts
V and Round Collar and Neck "
Buying Details: Dear Friend,
We the need quote for Thermoforming Machine Pneumatic cylinder with this code. QGB125X2010X201-FA. It is a heavy duty cylinder that carry the machine stretchers. Regards,