Peanut Oil is an excellent food oil, with good flavor, and keeping quality. Our U.S.P. Peanut Oil is extremely lighy in color - far lighter than the usual good Edible Peanut Oil.
Product Feature
Peanut Oil contains only a small proportion of nonglyceride constituents. Its fatty acid composition is complex, including saturated fatty acids covering a wide range of molecular weights.
Product Specification / Models
Linolenic Acid appears to be entirely absent. Traces of eicosenoic acid have been found. The unsaponifiable portion of Peanut Oil includes tocopherols and other anti-oxidents, sterols, squalene, and other hydrocarbons. Total tocopherol content ranges from 0.022 to 0.059 percent. Squalene content is about 0.027 percent.